Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I woke up this morning with a little tickle in my throat. You know the feeling, the way you sort of ache the day before you get sick. I drank some water and ate an orange, and as I was doing this, I came to a realization: I am a binge eater. I do an okay job at eating healthy foods (but can definitely do much better), but I am a skilled professional at binging. A whole bag of rolos (i.e. yesterday)? Sure! A sleeve of oreo cookies (or thin mints or caramel delites)? Why not?!? The Godiva truffles Adam gave me for Easter were gone within the day.

There is no way that binging on sugar is good for my system. I am going to try to clean out my diet. "Try" being the operative word here, I know it won't be easy. I love my chocolate, but I think with some willpower I can do it. Who's with me?!?

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