Friday, April 22, 2011


I love country music. A lot. I'm not even ashamed of it. Driving home from yoga this morning, I heard my new obsession.
I downloaded the song and listened to it way too many times to give an exact number. There is just something about country music that gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling.

Side note, I totally don't buy Gwyneth Paltrow as a country singer. Country strong? I think not.

I attended an awesome yoga class this morning. I was even able to get into Astavakrasana.
Eight-Angle Pose

For your viewing pleasure, here is a video of me practicing Astavakrasana at home. Enjoy!


  1. That's awesome! My yoga is limited to 25 minutes beginner's videos but I'm working on it!

  2. Get the whole Jason Aldean CD, it is great.
    Your Astavakrasana rocks, it's neat how you can video at home and see yourself get in the pose.
    Have a nice weekend. xo
