Monday, June 6, 2011

Case of the Mondays

I woke up this morning and just had that "ugh" feeling. It was only 7:00 am and temper tantrums from my bff were in full effect. It seems like overnight my sweet little boy turned into... well, a toddler, I guess. Then, I dropped a makeup brush behind the space heater in the living room (don't ask). I'm not going to worry about it now, but I did write myself a note so I don't forget once winter arrives.

There were two things that made Jack super happy today.

The truck department at Toys R Us and my foam roaller. He is currently obsessed with the foam roller. He likes to run circles around it in the living room. And tonight he was laying on it just like I do.

After a meeting I came home and went for a run, hoping this would cure me. It was really hard- 4.5 miles and I had to stop and walk a couple times. I felt really good in the beginning but I know I started off too fast. And it was noon and all I had eaten was a slice of toast. I should know better.

Adam, Jack and I went downtown and had lunch (outside!) at Vermont Pub and Brewery and then walked around. Jack actually did awesome sitting through lunch and it was pretty relaxing. He was a maniac on Church Street, though. Sorry to the store owners whose front windows he licked. Gross.

I think one of the reasons I get bummed on Mondays is because it's the only day Adam and I have off together. Honestly, his schedule sucks. I know, it could be worse but it just gets me so down sometimes. Even though he works evenings, he's often out of the house by noon. Five nights out of the week he misses dinner with us, he misses all the activities we do on the weekends. Ugh. Sorry to complain- I just had to vent!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the scheduling issues with your husband--it's so hard when you don't have compatible work schedules!
    Love Jack with the foam roller!
