Tuesday, June 28, 2011

14 miler

14 miles done! I was not looking forward to it.. at all. This pic was taken pre-run, and that's my nervous face. I went very slow- it was hot (about 80 degrees) and stopped for water a couple times a water fountain. I had ZERO stomach issues- ate yogurt pre-run. I also used a combo of Gu and Shot Blocks which worked well. My only complaint of Shot Blocks and Gu Chomps is that they are harder to carry than little packets of Gu. I had them stuffed in the pocket of my fuel belt but it was tight. I'm not sure yet what I'll do for the half in a couple weeks. I won't have any one I know along the course so I can't get some fuel handed off to me.

I'm feeling good about this last long run before the race. I haven't been following the schedule I made except for the long runs. We drove the course for the Mad Half, and it's not THAT bad. Yes, it's hilly, but the last 4 miles are downhill. Better than the other way around, right?

1 comment:

  1. Nice job on 14 miles! I think the chomps, etc. are harder to carry, but I do it because I really don't like gels.
