Sunday, March 6, 2011


Taught Yoga
8 mile treadmill run

I taught yoga this morning, subbing for someone. I wasn't really feeling it. I love taking this class, but don't like teaching it. I've subbed this class a few times before and every time I just get bad vibes. I don't know what it is. First, I couldn't get the stereo to work with my iPod.  I brought a back-up CD just in case and I got it to play, but the sound quality was awful. It stopped playing half way through class, which was fine though because the room was really warm and it was a tough class so all anyone could hear was breathing. We get through the standing postures, balances, etc and get to the finishing poses. A really strange noise comes through from overhead. It sort of sounded like feedback from the stereo, but not quite. It continued on for a while. It sounded like an animal dying. And guess what?!? It was! Probably two animals fighting, I think one lost. They were in the pipes and it sounded like they were going to come flying into the room at any moment. It made savasana nearly impossible.

Later I went back to the gym, because with the rain/sleet/snow we're having today, a run outside wasn't going to happen. I went planning on doing eight miles so I was mentally prepared. I made a rocking playlist and lucked out because Bravo was running reruns of Real Housewives of Orange County (new season starts tonight- yes!).

I ran at an easy pace but had to speed up at the end because I started to get bored keeping the same pace. I always feel the need to be pushing buttons when I'm on the treadmill. Overall I felt like I had a good run and am feeling good about my longest run of the season. It's daunting when I start into the longer runs, but once I get past the half way point it gets easier. The last four miles today were easier than the first four.

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