Friday, August 26, 2011

Put Down The Phone

Minor "crisis" in the Stoner household tonight... I have a BIG date tomorrow with one Green Mountain Runner, and it may or may not involve a headlamp. I'll tell you about it tomorrow!

Back to the "crisis"- after charging G (my new nickname for my new BFF, Garmin 405), it was frozen. Neither the buttons nor bezel were responsive, and resetting wasn't helping. After frantically searching online forums for a solution, I was able to return it to factory settings and all is (seems) well.


J and I started off the day by running five miles on a section of the bikepath I didn't know existed (thanks GMR!). J is continuing to be an awesome little running buddy and I look forward to our runs together.

Continuing our fun morning, we went downtown this afternoon and had a nice little date: started off at Starbucks (iced coffee for me, TWO vanilla milks for him), strolled Church Street, had a mini-shopping spree at Lululemon, strolled (he ran, I chased) some more, and had pizza outside at The Pub. Gi (J's new name for Grandma) joined us.

Adam gives me a hard time because he says that I'm on my iPhone a little too much. I hate to say it, but I agree with him. I need to put it down. I don't need to check my email every hour (half hour). I don't need to constantly check Facebook. I've instilled a new rule for myself that when I'm with Jack, it's a no-frivolous-phone-usage zone. Spending the time with him this afternoon caused the realization in my self that this time with him is fleeting. Before I know it, I'll be the overbearing mother I saw several times today on Church Street, dropping J off at college. I need to take advantage of this time, this time when I (and Adam, and Gi, and Pa) am his everything. He likes to spend time with me (most of the time, ha) and I don't want him to feel like he's second to a gadget.

1 comment:

  1. He will grow up fast but I don't think he will ever feel second to a gaget! You're a great mom!!!
