Saturday, February 26, 2011

Super Saturday (couldn't think of anything better-if I do I'll change it)

Workout today:
Taught yoga
30 minute elliptical

I had every intention of hopping on the treadmill after yoga and logging a few miles. This was until I realized that there is no way I can run in just a yoga top sans jog bra. There's no way I would subject myself or any of my fellow gym-goers to that. I used to love the elliptical, could stay on it for hours on end, but lately it just doesn't do it for me.

I spent the thirty minutes reading a lame parenting magazine. I need to quit these mags, in all their preachiness, telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing. The first few months of Jack's life I religiously read all things parent and baby related. I just ended up with too much information, and often times, contradicting information. I was in a constant state of panic, standing over him in his crib, making sure he was breathing and analyzing every strange noise he would make. "Babies make strange noises when they sleep." "If your baby makes a strange noise while he's sleeping you must call the doctor." How was I supposed to know what to do with my new baby??? Oh my, I drove myself crazy. It took me a little while, but I realized I needed to go with my gut and that all babies are different. This might be why babies don't come with an instruction manual. There are no "rules." Well, I guess there are some, but those are mostly common sense issues. Which, if you've ever taken a trip toWal-mart, you will see that many parents have zero common sense... but that's a whole other issue. If there's ever a problem, in the past 15 months I've found the best solution is to call the doctor. Who cares if it's 2 am? That's what on-call is for.

Lesson: stick to Us Weekly or InTouch on said elliptical.

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