Saturday, October 15, 2011

New PR

Last night I text Melissa, hinting at a morning run. It would be a 5 am, and we made plans. Suddenly I had cold feet. It had been a long week, and sleeping in (albeit until 7) might be a necessity. I felt really bad cancelling on her, but I did. I hope she forgives me!

Morning came and it looked like skipping the 5 am running date was a good idea. Adam woke me up at 8:20, saying, "Don't you need to teach yoga?" Why, yes. Yes, I do. My class starts at 8:45. Whoops.

The day went on, and I kept thinking about my long run. I have a half marathon on November 6, and I'd like to get two double-digit runs in and have a one week taper. It was nearing Jack's nap time, so I put him in the jogger and we were off. He fell asleep quickly (if only for 45 minutes) and I cruised along. It started to pour around mile 7, and I almost called it quits. I was so close to home and a warm shower was calling my name. The rain let up a little bit, and heck, I was already wet (and Jack was dry- the Chariot has an awesome rain cover) so I thought I better finish. Ten miles done, averaging 10:17- remember, I was pushing 60 pounds! This is a new distance record with the jogger- the previous longest run J and I had done together was eight miles. He is such a fun little running partner.


  1. I got caught in the rain yesterday too!! I started out and it was sunny, but then half way through we (my dog and I) were soaked!! I'm super impressed with you!! Pushing 60 lbs for TEN miles!!!!!! You'll kick Race Vermont's butt!!

  2. Great job getting that long run in with your jogging stroller---pushing 60 pounds is no easy feat!!!!
