Friday, July 12, 2013

Birth Day

As Alice's first birthday tomorrow approaches closer and closer, I can't help but look back and reflect on this past year and last almost (!) four years with littles. 

To be blunt, Jack was a surprise, and honestly I was scared for maybe a day. I always thought I would wait until my thirties to have kids, and here I am, at twenty-nine, with two.

Because of Adam's work schedule, I'm forced to be pretty independent five nights out of the week (thank heaven for my mom). Before Alice came along, Jack and I would do everything and anything. We would go everywhere together and I'm not ashamed to say that most nights of his three-and-a-half years he's stated up until ten o'clock. 

Then Alice came along. Obviously I loved her, but things we different. I couldn't just take off on a whim and going anywhere needed ample preparation. Tonight, in the eve of her first birthday, I'm realizing I can do it with two. The overwhelming feeling I had for quite a while this last year has faded and confidence grown. 

As I tucked then into bed way too late tonight, I realized it doesn't matter what time they go to bed sometimes. Jack can have ice cream for dinner once in a while.  They are the sweetest little devils and I seriously can't imagine life any other way.

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