Sunday, March 3, 2013

Well That Was Tough

It took a lot of work to get out the door for my run today. First was my motivation, or lack of. But then I decided it was run time and got the kids in the jogger. I noticed one of the tires was flat so I filled it up. Didn't get very far before it was flat again. I had no choice but to run with the kiddos today so I needed that tire fixed. A trip to the bike shop and it was determined there was nothing wrong with it. Hours and naps later, bundled up and headed out again with four miles on tap. It was tough pushing through the unplowed snowy sidewalks. I had to walk up a couple hills, too.
 Mid run I got a text (I don't usually check my phone during a run but it was during a walk break) from Melissa saying she just finished seven miles. Well, if she did seven I would have to do more than four. I made it to five and called it a day.

28 more running days left this month.

1 comment:

  1. Seeeriously, great job on getting 5 miles done when you started with little motivation! Turned out pretty good, i day! :)
