Sunday, February 10, 2013


Melissa and I had seven miles on tap this morning, but we woke up to this:

I think it's safe to say we're both willing to run in any sort of weather- there's no bad weather, only bad clothes- but this was just a little bit too cold. So we put on our big girl pants (or booty shorts in Melissa's case) and headed to the gym to use the treadmills. We ran side by side and the time flew by. Our topics of conversations ranged from running, work, the other people at the gym, Oiselle, Lululemon and every thing in between. I may or may not have called her a bitch once (sorry). It was an awesome run and felt great to get the miles in even though it wasn't the way we initially planned.

She's so fast you can't even see her
Thanks to Melissa, we were able to finish the run strong at just over seven miles. I'm definitely feeling it in my legs now. I can't wait to do eight next weekend!


  1. I waited until about 2 pm to run, it was like 25. No way I was going out at below zero!

  2. That is cold for running, great job getting one in without freezing!
