Sunday, December 11, 2011


Enjoying a My Little Cupcake
It's been a busy and exciting week around here! I've been running every other day, and this week ran five, four and three miles. Plus I taught yoga yesterday. I'm loving teaching at a different location (still the same gym). It's more studio-like and I can control the temp in the room, which means I can crank it up (until people complain, then I turn it back down).

There are still squirrels in the heating ducts in the room, though (happened last year, too) and it can be a little distracting during Savasana hearing them scurry around.


Lately I have been obsessed with 30 Rock. It's on Netflix on demand and is the funniest show I've seen in a long time. And I love Alec Baldwin. I get excited when we put on an episode of Thomas and Friends for Jack and he's the narrarator.


I'm not sure where I going with the post, but maybe I'll be back later with more.

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