Saturday, December 3, 2011


Flashback: Halloween

We had so much fun trick-or-treating on Halloween. First we rang a few doorbells in our neighborhood, and then headed to Mamet and Papa's- which clearly was the neighborhood to be in. There were so many kids and families dressed up and the Halloween spirit was alive and well. Our little neighborhood was a little quiet. Jack was hesitant at first, but then got into it. When someone didn't come to the door, he wasn't happy and insisted we wait.

The Conductor and Mamet the Clown


Although this will be Jack's third winter, it will be his first time to really get excited about the snow. Last year he had fun getting pulled in the sled, but would get cold and annoyed pretty quickly.

We had our first mini-snowstorm the day before Thanksgiving and Jack and I took full advantage by bundling up and heading out in the snow (later on that day I strapped on my Yak Traks and went for a five mile run in the snow).


Running news: I closed out November with 60 miles total. A little lower than I would have liked, but after running two half marathon within a few weeks of each other, it was a good idea to go easy. I'm ready to add more cross training and would love to take (not teach) one yoga class a week, and keep up easy running miles through December. I started out with four easy miles on the first, so that's a start.

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