Sunday, December 9, 2012

December So Far

I've found a nice groove in runs this week, even though each one has been so different.

Sunday: 6 miles

It was a super hilly route and was beyond windy. There were times when I felt like I wasn't even moving. I think it took me 1:10 to finish.

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 4 miles with Alice when I came home from work (Jack was taking a nap).

Wednesday: yoga! It felt so good.

Thursday: 6 miles on the treadmill

I felt like a rockstar! I was feeling the stress from a drama-filled week at work and it felt good to hammer out a run with music blasting in my headphones.

Friday: Rest

Saturday: 4 easy miles

Sunday (today): 3.1

I normally don't count decimal points on my regular runs but I am today!

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