Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I don't usually bring up current events related news on the blog, but I'd like to talk about Amber Miller.

 For those who haven't heard of Amber Miller, she completed the 2011 Chicago Marathon at 39 weeks pregnant, and gave birth several hours later. At first glance, I was appalled. This seemed to me a selfish move by the mother, putting the baby at high risk. But the more I read about it, the less crazy it seemed. This woman has run several marathons and has run sub-4 hour marathons, so running marathons is nothing new to her body. She has run two marathons while pregnant before Chicago 2011. Obviously if you've never run before, pregnancy is not the time to take up running and sign up for a marathon. But if it's something your body is used to, and you can do it safely, why not?

The kicker for me? She completed the marathon in 6 hours 25 minutes- clearly she took the race easy for herself. She said she ran in the beginning, and then walked most of the second half. At first I thought she was crazy, but now I think, good for her. What do you think?


  1. I read about this too! I thought, more power to her!!!! I think if you are used to running and you take it easy than it shouldn't be too harmful...but I have never been preggers so who knows!

    I need some blog help. How do you do multiple picutres like a collage thing that you do? Like the two pictures of Jack with the black boarder? HELP. I will trade Garmin secrets!!!

  2. I saw an interview of her in the hospital explaining the whole thing. Pretty cool! She found out she was pregnant AFTER she signed up for the marathon.
    @ Melissa- You use Wordpress right? You can upload your pictures to the media gallery and then there is an option of how you want it displayed.
